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TexQuest provides access to authoritative digital resources for educators, students, and students' immediate families in Texas K-12 public schools and open-enrollment charter schools.


Access and Customization FAQs

Where can my users access TexQuest resources?

All TexQuest resources are accessible from TexQuest Navigator. TexQuest resources should be linked in multiple locations on district and/or campus websites. Direct links, images, and widgets to specific provider resources are available at Images and Links and Provider Support

What is my TexQuest username and password?

  • Districts are sent a default username and password from the TexQuest Support Center. Districts have the option to create customized username and password. Districts/campuses may share usernames and passwords with students, faculty, and students' immediate families. 

Can we post TexQuest usernames and passwords on our campus and district web pages?

  • No, TexQuest usernames and passwords cannot be posted on any campus or district web pages that are accessible to the public on open websites. If participants must first login to your system, usernames and passwords can be posted. TexQuest UN/PW Sharing Tips and Best Practices

Why can't I access the Gale resources using my customized username and password?

  • If you are not using the TexQuest Navigator or your custom district/campus Gale link,, you will need to use the Gale Loc ID as your username.
  • Your username cannot be customized in Gale.
  • If you do not know your Gale Loc ID, find it at Gale Loc ID

If your district is currently a member of TexQuest and would like to add, close or consolidate campuses, please complete the appropriate form below:

What does it mean to customize?
Districts may customize district access to TexQuest resources by:

  • Requesting usernames and passwords that are consistent and easy to remember
  • Requesting IP authentication
    • IP authentication allows users within a specific IP range immediate access to the TexQuest resources without entering a username and password.
      • Check with your district technology professionals to supply your district’s public external IP gateway address or range.
      • If a district IP authenticates, users must still log in with usernames and passwords from home.

How do I customize usernames and/or passwords or request IP authentication for my district?

  • To submit a Customization or IP Authentication Request have the district TexQuest Administrator send the request via email to
  • Provide your ESC number, District Name, TEA Number, and Requested Username and Password. If you do not know your TEA number, you can find it on  AskTed
  • For IP authentication, provide your district's public external IP gateway address or range (check with your IT Department for this information).
  • The TexQuest Support Center will send the customized district username and password and IP information to all TexQuest providers. If the username and/or password you request is not available, we will notify you via email to select an alternate.
  • NOTE: The TexQuest Support Center does not handle campus customization requests.

Can I customize my district access for just one of the TexQuest providers?

  • No. When you customize your district username and/or password, they become effective for all TexQuest providers.

Once I customize for my district, will the district default username and password still work?

  • District default usernames and passwords will continue to work simultaneously with all current TexQuest providers.

Is Campus customization required?
No. That is a decision for your campus/district. Reasons campuses customize include:

  • To access usage statistics by campus, as well as district. 
  • Campus usernames and passwords have already been established. 

How can I customize my campus access?

  • To customize campus access you have to work directly with the TexQuest providers. Campus customization requests should not be submitted through the TexQuest Support Center.
  • The providers may ask for your campus TEA number. If you do not know this information, you can find it on AskTed. Below you will find the TexQuest Provider contact information:

  • Britannica School: - Provide your Campus Name, your Campus' 9-digit TEA number, and Requested Username and Password.
  • EBSCO LearningExpress: - For an individual campus LearningExpress link, provide your District Name, Campus Name, and your Campus' 9-digit TEA number. Otherwise, use your district's direct LearningExpress link.
  • Gale: - For Gale, you can only customize your password since your username is embedded in the custom link that they will provide you.
  • Infobase Learn360: - Provide your District Name, District TEA #, Campus Name, Campus TEA #, Requested Username, and Requested Password. Visit Learn360 Campus Customization for more information.
  • ProQuest (SIRS Discoverer): - Add TexQuest to the subject line, then the request.  Provide the current username or default username and the requested change to that username.  For districts with multiple campus customization requests, please email a spreadsheet that contains ESC #, District Name, District TEA #, Campus Name, Campus TEA #, Requested Username and Requested Password to and put "TexQuest Campus Customization" in the subject line.
  • TeachingBooks: - Complete the form with the requested information. For districts with multiple campus customization requests, please email a spreadsheet that contains District Name, District TEA #, Campus Name, Campus TEA #, Requested Username and Requested Password to and put "TexQuest Campus Customization" in the subject line.
  • For districts with multiple campus customization requests, email a spreadsheet to each TexQuest provider that contains ESC #, District Name, District TEA #, Campus Name, Campus TEA #, Requested Username and Requested Password. Put "TexQuest Campus Customization" in the subject line.

Integration Options

LMS Integration Support

Click here to learn all about how to integrate the TexQuest providers with your Learning Management Systems.

SSO Integration Support

Click here to learn all about how to integrate TexQuest providers with your Single Sign-On systems.