TexQuest provides access to authoritative digital resources for educators, students, and students' immediate families in Texas K-12 public schools and open-enrollment charter schools.
Where can my users access TexQuest resources?
All TexQuest resources are accessible from TexQuest Navigator. TexQuest resources should be linked in multiple locations on district and/or campus websites. Direct links, images, and widgets to specific provider resources are available at Images and Links and Provider Support.
What is my TexQuest username and password?
Can we post TexQuest usernames and passwords on our campus and district web pages?
Why can't I access the Gale resources using my customized username and password?
If your district is currently a member of TexQuest and would like to add, close or consolidate campuses, please complete the appropriate form below:
What does it mean to customize?
Districts may customize district access to TexQuest resources by:
How do I customize usernames and/or passwords or request IP authentication for my district?
Can I customize my district access for just one of the TexQuest providers?
Once I customize for my district, will the district default username and password still work?
Is Campus customization required?
No. That is a decision for your campus/district. Reasons campuses customize include:
How can I customize my campus access?
Click here to learn all about how to integrate the TexQuest providers with your Learning Management Systems.
Click here to learn all about how to integrate TexQuest providers with your Single Sign-On systems.