TexQuest provides access to authoritative digital resources for educators, students, and students' immediate families in Texas K-12 public schools and open-enrollment charter schools.
What is the TexQuest Program Membership Fee for 2024-2025?
What time period is covered in the September payment?
When will my district receive a quote for the upcoming fiscal year?
What if a district signs up during the school year?
How can I make sure my district has paid the invoice?
Who do I contact for information on TexQuest invoicing and/or payments?
What is TSLAC's remittance address for purchase orders and payments?
REMIT TO: Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Accounting Department
PO Box 12516
Austin, TX 78711-2516
Federal Employer Identification Number: 74-6000126
How does my district set up TSLAC as a vendor?
What happens if my district does not pay the invoice?
If my district loses access, do we have to sign up again?
In case my district does not pay, can my campus continue to have a membership?